Monday, June 25, 2012


Italy is just around the corner and it is starting to finally feel real that we are actually going. The nerves and excitement have all kicked in. Prepping to leave the country is in full effect, but more than anything we are ready for some savory foods, delicious wines, and lazy beach days that are in our near future. 
Luckily, Sal's mother saves everything. I do mean EVERYTHING. So we were able to inherit some of Sal's old learning Italiano books that she had hidden away in storage. As much as I love thrifting, I think this is even better. Just because I know the history behind the items. It makes me want to save them for Roman and his possible future children. The illustrations are charming and dated, the way I like it. Plus, since most of the books are for children, it has made it fun and adorable to learn the basics so I am not completely oblivious while I'm there. 
Roman and I look through the pages just before his nap each day. The pictures catch his attention and he now understands to point at things on the page. But has he learned any Italian? No. But that's okay, right now his English vocabulary only consists of 4 words: mama, dada, baba (bottle), and hi. 
Yesterday I was flipping through the text book and found a paper with some of Sal's writing on it from when he was a pup. It was adorable to picture him as a little guy trying to learn Italiano. Awww. 


  1. Aww! This is so sweet. I love finding older items that have stayed in the family and hearing the stories behind them. Also, I'm totally jealous that you're going to Italy. How fun!

    1. Thank you so much. I know I love how my bf's mother saves everything from their childhood. I wish I could be more like that, but I just hate clutter lol It will be my first time in Italy and our first family vacay. Decided to do it with a bang =)
