Thursday, November 1, 2012


Dear Roman,
You are unbelievably to cool for school.
You now know how to roll your eyes at us with disdain (yay for us) and make us feel ever so dumb.
You are still the picky eater with an enormous appetite.
Your energy outlasts both your papa and I as well as the grandparents.
The bond you have with your uncle Tony is the sweetest thing, especially since you don't get see him often. Plus, you are quite the nose picker (proof with pic above).
You are quite the fighter, and very stubborn. I wonder who you get that from?
Even with the toddler tantrums in full gear; I couldn't ask for a more fun and cuddly little monster.
Most exciting... my baby can talk! You are officially a little communicating human being. I almost can't take it. Hearing your little voice attempt so many new words makes my heart happy.
I couldn't love you more.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww this is too cute!!! Your baby is so adorable! Thanks for all the kind comments on my blog :))
