Monday, June 11, 2012


This by all means is not the most flattering picture of us, but nonetheless it is one of my favorites. It's us in Palm Springs on the concrete floor in front of our hotel.Too many drinks? Maybe. Best time ever? YES. I have known her since the first day of sixth grade (as we always say). She is one of the very few childhood friends I have kept in touch with and for that she will always be considered a best friend. Even if I don't see her or talk to her as often as best friends should. Unfortunately she was in a severe car accident. She broke both of her legs among other injuries and has to do extensive surgery. When I found out this had happened, I was in shock. I just felt the need to know everything that had happened and wanted to know she was okay.

I hadn't seen her since her birthday in March and I wanted to see her right away so she knew I was there for her. I ended up not seeing her that day due to surgery, so we spent the night so I would see her the following morning. That night as I was trying to fall asleep all my emotions hit me at once. I completely broke down. HARD. It was such a mix of emotions, stresses, and nerves. It was hard to explain to Sal what exactly I was feeling. I just felt the need to cry. Cry because I am so happy she is alive. Cry because this happened to her. Crying over the thought of what could have happened to her. Then I realized that I was also crying from guilt. Guilt for not being the best friend I could be. For not pushing myself to put her and others more into my life, my little world.

It is definitely time for me to change that. To not be in such a small bubble. I want to be there for her and its amazing how many people/her friends are affected by this and are by her side. Not only is she smart and beautiful, she is one of the funniest people I know. It incredible to realize how much of my life she had been a part of. To reminisce over our preteen/teenage youth. Now its time to build memories of us both as adults and growing (young) women. We are all hoping for a quick and full recovery from such a horrific accident. It's amazing how unfair life can be, but it is essential to always feel grateful to be alive and live the life you desire.
Get well soon Mo, love you.

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